Monday, September 9, 2013

Why I Hate Tailgaters

 Now, I will admit not all tailgaters are drunk irresponsible individuals who leave their trash all over the campus and relive themselves in the magnolia trees.  However, as someone who has worked many a game day I have seen drunk "fans" use the bathroom in the bushes and trees around our library.  I have seen fights break out on the quad and I have endured loud mouthed students and alumni wishing they were still students.
 It makes me sick to see port-a-potties sitting in front of the historic Hirsch Hall.  Obviously the university is trying to cut down on intoxicated fans dropping their drawers and relieving themselves in plain view.
Walking home Friday I was behind a group of 50 year old individuals who were hooting and hollering to their son and his friends who were screaming out the window of their downtown apartment.  My first thought was the legacy continues.   If only these "fans" would leave as much cash in our beautiful city as they do trash!
I will leave you with a beautiful shot today.  Here's a view of Athens from the top of the Main Library.